Adequate infrastructure is necessary as measures to mitigate the effects of accidental spills and overflows.
The need to comply with rules and regulations from public authorities to preserve the environment are mandated. Geoquest offers solutions that will help you to build cost effective, reliable and durable infrastructure allowing you to optimize your liquids storage, treatment and disposal processes.

Safe operations and risk protection
Containment structures can be built as part of various installations where there is a risk of accidental release of liquids into the environment, or simply to safely contain all sorts of materials and goods. Storage tanks and impoundment areas are key to many industrial operations such as Oil and Gas, mining and energy.
Containment breach mitigation
Secondary containment of liquids stored in tanks mitigate risks and damage as a result of tank failures, accidental flooding, spills and leaks. Reinforced Earth® structures are commonly built to create areas of confined space to impound spilled hazardous liquid for treatment, conveyance and controlled disposal.
Storage overflow mitigation
Industrial infrastructure built for controlling liquid spills that occur due to storage overflow require specially engineered soil structures. Typically included within this infrastructure are earthen berms and reinforced soil slopes, channeling walls and tunnels, spillways, reservoirs and catch basins. Geoquest offers solutions in all of these areas to develop structures that perform in spill conditions.
Engineering expertise and proven solutions
Our engineers are experts in designing containment solutions that are accepted worldwide. For instance, we use soil-structure techniques and materials that are inherently designed to meet cryogenic safety standards for rapid thermal shock and explosions for such catastrophic events.
Reinforced Earth® structures are proven through full-scale cryogenic testing and live accident documentation to perform under extreme conditions. For instance, stable structural performance at temperatures of -160 degrees C° for liquid natural gas, and up to a flame temperature of 1100 degrees C° has been documented.
These structures are also routinely designed to mitigate damage caused by explosions and bombardment. A series of tests spanning 40 years confirms the efficient performance of Reinforced Earth® structures subjected to high-level pressures. Due to their high resilience and ductility, these walls also withstand natural forces such as earthquake, hurricane, rockfall and avalanche.