In central Chile, Geoquest has constructed 4 Geoquest walls as part of the extension of Highway 43 that will provide a safe link between the communities of Coquimbo and Ovalle.
And consequently bringing to an end the infamous “Road of Death”. This was the Chilean Ministry of Public Works’ goal when in 2015 it launched the Highway 43 extension works linking the cities of Coquimbo and Ovalle. The two-lane highway will provide a safer and more extensive road network for the region while also shortening travel times.
In 2016 SACYR Chile selected Geoquest for the construction of 4 Reinforced Earth® walls. Over 8 months Geoquest designed, supplied and provided technical assistance for installing 3,000 m² of prefabricated walls as well as leasing of safety barriers. In addition to the usual constraints, safety precautions had to be strengthened due to the proximity of the works to a busy highway.
With the public opening scheduled for summer 2018, this road project – one of the largest in recent years – is eagerly awaited by the region’s inhabitants.