Expertise and experience in reinforced backfill applications and soil-structure interaction.



Ivory Coast

2023-02-22T15:55:45+00:00July 5th, 2021|Africa, Implantations, Ivory Coast|

As a subsidiary of Geoquest Group, we offer the experience and technical expertise of an international group, adapting them to the specific realities of a local market. Find your local contact, our local projects and local news. COUNTRY CONTACT GTEK Entreprise (On [...]


2021-07-05T08:25:46+00:00July 5th, 2021|Europe, Implantations, Italy|

As a subsidiary of Geoquest Group, we offer the experience and technical expertise of an international group, adapting them to the specific realities of a local market. Find your local contact, our local projects and local news. COUNTRY CONTACT Casella Costruzioni S.r.l [...]


2023-01-24T15:25:17+00:00July 2nd, 2021|Europe, Germany, Implantations|

As a subsidiary of Geoquest Group, we offer the experience and technical expertise of an international group, adapting them to the specific realities of a local market. Find your local contact, our local projects and local news. COUNTRY CONTACT BPB GMBH Bauplanungsbüro [...]


2023-05-23T12:03:38+00:00July 2nd, 2021|Bulgaria, Europe, Implantations|

As a subsidiary of Geoquest Group, we offer the experience and technical expertise of an international group, adapting them to the specific realities of a local market. Find your local contact, our local projects and local news. COUNTRY CONTACT (On behalf of [...]

Bosnia and Herzegovina

2021-07-02T14:16:37+00:00July 2nd, 2021|Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe, Implantations|

As a subsidiary of Geoquest Group, we offer the experience and technical expertise of an international group, adapting them to the specific realities of a local market. Find your local contact, our local projects and local news. COUNTRY CONTACT Termo-Beton Doo (On [...]

United States

2021-06-30T15:52:35+00:00December 6th, 2019|Americas, Implantations, United States|

As a subsidiary of Geoquest Group, we offer the experience and technical expertise of an international group, adapting them to the specific realities of a local market. Find your local contact, our local projects and local news. COUNTRY CONTACT The Geoquest Company [...]


2022-12-08T09:00:51+00:00December 6th, 2019|Americas, Canada, Implantations|

As a subsidiary of Geoquest Group, we offer the experience and technical expertise of an international group, adapting them to the specific realities of a local market. Find your local contact, our local projects and local news. COUNTRY CONTACT Geoquest Company Ltd [...]

United Arab Emirates

2023-08-31T12:36:53+00:00November 27th, 2019|Implantations, Middle East, United Arab Emirates|

As a subsidiary of Geoquest Group, we offer the experience and technical expertise of an international group, adapting them to the specific realities of a local market. Find your local contact, our local projects and local news. COUNTRY CONTACT Freyssinet Gulf Goran [...]


2021-08-02T08:49:12+00:00November 27th, 2019|Implantations, Middle East, Qatar|

As a subsidiary of Geoquest Group, we offer the experience and technical expertise of an international group, adapting them to the specific realities of a local market. Find your local contact, our local projects and local news. COUNTRY CONTACT Freyssinet Menard Qatar [...]

United Kingdom

2022-01-11T15:41:15+00:00November 27th, 2019|Europe, Implantations, United Kingdom|

As a subsidiary of Geoquest Group, we offer the experience and technical expertise of an international group, adapting them to the specific realities of a local market. Find your local contact, our local projects and local news. COUNTRY CONTACT Geoquest UK Anthony [...]

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