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A platform dedicated to TechSpan® concrete arches: Visit to download our catalogue and create your customized TechSpan® project
2020-01-09T15:57:14+00:00November 10th, 2019|Group News|
A platform dedicated to TechSpan® concrete arches: Visit to download our catalogue and create your customized TechSpan® project
2020-01-10T18:37:41+00:00October 25th, 2019|Project, South Africa|
Geoquest system with TerraTrel grid facing for historic pass In 1877, using a combination of gunpowder and dynamite, a resourceful pass builder named Thomas Bain blasted the oldest solid rock road tunnel in South Africa and built the Cogmanskloof (or Kogmanskloof) Pass. Between 2016 and 2019, a group [...]
2020-01-10T18:38:07+00:00July 22nd, 2019|Morocco, Project|
Geoquest and Freyssinet have been involved in the construction of Casablanca’s major new structure, the Sidi Maârouf Bridge. Started in 2015, the cable-stayed bridge is being built as part of the redevelopment of the Sidi Maârouf junction initiated by the city of Casablanca. Funded by the municipality and [...]
2020-01-10T18:38:21+00:00June 26th, 2019|Canada, Project|
In Toronto, RECO Canada designed and supplied precast panels for the new gardiner expressway ramp to lower Simcoe Street. Located in the City of Toronto, the York-Bay-Yonge off-ramp to Lower Simcoe street reconstruction project is part of a large push to modernize the waterfront area and accommodate high [...]
2020-01-10T18:38:49+00:00June 6th, 2019|Chile, Project|
The Spence Growth Option (SGO) project aims to extend the operation of the Spence Mine to more than 50 years, increasing production by approximately 185 ktpa of copper and 4ktpa of molybdenum in the first 10 years of operation. Works include a new 30-metre-high primary crusher, where CAT [...]
2020-01-10T18:40:03+00:00May 15th, 2019|Project, Spain|
LYON: Puisoz-Grand Parilly is a new residential, commercial, and business district in one of the regions with the highest urban development by Lyon, France. When completed in 2025, the new neighbourhood will provide 1000 apartments, 23000m2 of office space, and six hectares of public areas. Two thousand people [...]
2020-01-10T18:40:43+00:00March 28th, 2019|Canada, Project|
Geoquest Canada part of one of the largest highway construction projects ever in the province of Ontario.
2020-01-10T18:42:22+00:00January 14th, 2019|Nicaragua, Project|
Freyssinet - Geoquest Panamá is pursuing its involvement in the road work of the Nicaraguan capital with the building of 3 access ramps. Freyssinet - Geoquest Panamá began the second Geoquest® wall project in Nicaragua with the construction of the 7 Sur interchange. Launched in 2017 by national authorities, this work forms part [...]
2020-01-10T08:30:00+00:00November 30th, 2018|Company|
Do not wait any longer and have a look at the magazine n°231 to keep up with our latest news and projects! You will discover how Geoquest is contributing to put back in service the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Toy after a massive landslide by building a 100 meter [...]
2020-07-23T18:24:13+00:00November 13th, 2018|Africa, Ethiopia, Implantations|
As a subsidiary of Geoquest Group, we offer the experience and technical expertise of an international group, adapting them to the specific realities of a local market. Find your local contact, our local projects and local news. COUNTRY CONTACT Geoquest East Africa [...]
Geoquest has forged an unrivalled level of expertise and experience in reinforced backfill applications and soil-structure interaction. Our technical solutions are defined by four functions corresponding to the purpose of the structure to be designed: RETAIN, CROSS, PROTECT, STRENGTHEN.
Over the last 60 years, Geoquest has been setting the gold standard in reinforced earth structures
and has played an active role in over 100,000 projects around the world.
Soletanche Freyssinet is the world leader in soil, structures and nuclear engineering. The Group brings together unrivalled expertise in construction and engineering. Soletanche Bachy, Menard, Geoquest, Freyssinet, Nuvia and Sixense put their technical excellence at the service of their customers and the performance of their structures.
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