Geoquest Canada part of one of the largest highway construction projects ever in the province of Ontario.
In the province of Ontario, Geoquest Company Ltd. (Geoquest Canada) is taking part in phase 2 of the Highway 407 East (407E) extension.
The Government-owned Highway 407 East (407E) P2 project is an extension of the original 108 km-long 407 Express Toll Route in the province of Ontario, the first electronic toll highway in the world.
This will provide an efficient east-west corridor across central Ontario. It is one of the largest highway construction projects ever in the province.
The current extension of Highway 407E Phase 2 (P2) is approximately 22 kilometres in length, beginning at Harmony Road in Oshawa to Highway 35/115 in Clarington, and a 10-kilometre north-south connection of Highway 401 to Highway 407 by way of Highway 418. Phase 2 is a Design-Build-Finance-Maintain project which links major interchanges and eases congestion of the highly trafficked 400-series highways in the Greater Toronto Area.
Since 2016, Geoquest Canada has continued to contribute their experience, knowledge and expertise in the design and supply of MSE walls in conjunction with all involved parties in order to deliver a successful major project.
The scope of the 407E P2 work is approximately 22,000 m2 distributed throughout 36 structures which consists of wing walls, false abutments and other structures, including a wall considered to be under submerged conditions. The Reinforced Earth® techniques that continue to be utilized within this project are the TerraClass® and TerraTrel® systems which implement galvanized steel soil reinforcing strips.
The largest wall with respect to the surface area is 3,000m2 and the tallest in terms of height is 11m. Due to the tight construction schedule and in order to achieve the many milestones of the project, it was deemed necessary to accelerate the fabrication process of the precast panels on two separate occasions.
By the end of 2019, the whole Highway 407 extension and Highway 418 will be open to traffic.